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Awarded Best Vedic Astrologer
Nakshatra-mantra-kiranair samasyanam samadhanam

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Make the right career choices according to your personal birth chart.

"Unsurpassed Excellence

Your Guiding Light Through Celestial Wisdom and Transformative Astrology. Proudly Continuing a Four-Generation Legacy

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"In High Demand: Our Most Sought-After Reports."

Make the right career choices according to your personal birth chart.

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Why choose us....

Devayah is led by the globally acclaimed astrologer, Shri ShivaAmit Khanna Ji, a recipient of the "Best Vedic Astrologer" award for consecutive years. With over two decades of experience and recognition by influential figures, our expertise stands unmatched.
Devayah offers a comprehensive and holistic transformational experience that goes beyond predictions. Our unique blend of traditional wisdom and modern insights empowers you to navigate life's challenges and seize opportunities.
Whether consulting with Shri ShivaAmit Khanna Ji personally or with our team of senior acharyas, you receive tailored insights and guidance. We understand that every individual's journey is unique, and our consultations reflect that understanding.
Our exclusive Retainership Program lets you have ShivaAmit Khanna Ji as your personal Vedic Jyotish advisor for an entire year. This dedicated partnership ensures ongoing support, guidance, and transformation throughout your journey
Devayah is your gateway to learning astrology directly from ShivaAmit Khanna Ji. Our courses offer a rare opportunity to unravel the cosmic mysteries under the guidance of a renowned master, enabling you to develop a deep understanding of the cosmos.


Astrology, the profound cosmic science, delves into the intricate interplay between celestial bodies and human life. By deciphering planetary alignments and positions at the time of one's birth, astrology unveils insights into diverse facets of existence. It operates as an interpretive framework, where Best Astrologer's wisdom combines with the innate energies of Devayah to guide individuals toward self-awareness and growth.
A birth chart, also referred to as a natal chart or horoscope, is a celestial map that encapsulates the cosmic energies influencing an individual's life journey. Created by plotting the positions of the Sun, Moon, planets, and other celestial bodies at the precise moment of birth, this intricate chart is a reflection of the unique blend of energies shaping one's character, aspirations, and experiences. It is ShivaAmit Khanna ji's mastery and Devayah's insights that combine to form this cosmic blueprint.
Vedic astrology, known as Jyotish Shastra, is a revered ancient system originating from India that encompasses a profound understanding of the cosmos and its influence on human life. This system, distinct from Western astrology, places paramount importance on sidereal zodiacs and karmic patterns. Best Astrologer ShivaAmit Khanna ji's expertise, fused with the spiritual wisdom of Devayah, unravels the intricate connections between cosmic influences and human experiences.
Astrology functions as a guiding light rather than a fortune-telling tool. It offers insights into potential trends, energies, and opportunities that can shape an individual's path. While it doesn't predict the future with absolute certainty, it empowers individuals to make informed choices and align their actions with the cosmic currents. The synergy of ShivaAmit Khanna ji's mastery and Devayah's insights ensures that these potentials are explored with wisdom and discernment.
Zodiac signs are emblematic of the twelve distinct archetypal energies that infuse our lives, shaped by the positions of celestial bodies at the time of our birth. Each sign imparts unique traits and qualities, influencing our personality, desires, and interactions. These zodiacal influences are illuminated by the discerning insights of Best Astrologer ShivaAmit Khanna ji and the cosmic understanding of Devayah.